Distance Learning Online is homeschooling made easy. When you enroll your child in BJU Press online Distance Learning program, he/she can learn anytime, anywhere. All he needs is a computer and a high-speed internet connection, and he is ready to go. The student login allows access to engaging video lessons taught by expert teachers, online assessments (grades 512), progress-tracking features, and more. The best part is although you as a parent can log in and view your child progress and grades at any time, you are free to keep up with the rest of life.
About the courses:
Writing & Grammar 9 – emphasizes grammar skills, beginning with sentence patterns and going on to the eight parts of speech, phrases, and clauses.
Fundamentals of Literature – teaches the student literary analysis by discussing six literary elements: conflict, character, theme, point of view, structure, and tone.
Cultural Geography – provides a survey of both geographic principles and every country of the world through a regional approach
Algebra 1 – introduces basic algebraic skills in a logical order, including relations, functions, graphing, systems of equations, radicals, factoring polynomials, rational equations, probability and statistics, and quadratic functions.
Physical Science – inspires your student to view matter and energy as the building blocks of God’s creation.
Bible 9
Why the Bible Matters – explains the Bible’s design and function; how the Bible relates to science, history, and literature; and why the Bible is vital in making decisions.
Publish Great Things – presents the history of missions, emphasizes the involvement of laypersons, and addresses principles and procedures of missions.
That I May Know Him – presents basic Christian living skills by focusing on the example of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospel of Mark.
What’s Included:
- BJU DLO 1-Year Online Subscription
When you purchase the Grade 9 Distance Learning Online Kit, you receive:
- Online Teachers Materials, Teaching Videos w/ Mom’s Minutes, Answer Keys and Printables
- Comes with printed Student Worktext.
Printed Materials:
- BJU Bible 9: Why the Bible Matters
- BJU Bible 9: That I May Know Him
- BJU Bible 9: Publish Great Things
- BJU Cultural Geography Student Activities (4th Edition)
- BJU Physical Science (6th Edition) Student Lab Manual 9
- BJU English 9: Fundamentals of Literature Student Text (2nd Edition)
- BJU Writing & Grammar 9 Student Worktext (3rd Edition)
- BJU Algebra 1 Student Text (3rd Edition)