Distance Learning Online is homeschooling made easy. When you enroll your child in the BJU Press online Distance Learning program, he/she can learn anytime, anywhere. All he needs is a computer and a high-speed internet connection, and he is ready to go. The student login allows access to engaging video lessons taught by expert teachers, online assessments (grades 512), progress-tracking features, and more. The best part is although you as a parent can log in and view your child’s progress and grades at any time, you are free to keep up with the rest of your life.
About the courses:
Writing & Grammar 7– focuses on the eight parts of speech, while Explorations in Literature teaches a biblical perspective on six-unit themes: courage, nature and man, generosity, our land, humility, and family.
Earth Science – contrasting worldviews are presented to affirm the young-earth creationist view of the earth and our universe. Your student will embark on a journey of discovery as he studies geology, rocks and minerals, fossils, oceanography, rivers and lakes, weather, astronomy, and more.
Bible 7 – Learning from the Life of Christ covers our Lord’s earthly life and ministry. Your student will be inspired by the example of Christ’s own life experiences and the way He dealt with both friends and enemies. In addition, many other valuable lessons will be drawn from Christ’s sermons, miracles, and parables.
Explorations of Literature – presents a compilation of stories, poems, and essays from a variety of authors and genres grouped by theme to develop critical thinking skills. Vocabulary glosses explain unfamiliar words within the literature selections. Thinking Zone pages throughout the book ask questions to encourage the student to think about literature in at least four ways: comprehension, interpretation, analysis, and appreciation. In addition to teaching literary terms, these questions also develop the student’s abilities to respond biblically to literature. Unit reviews provide additional review questions to prepare students for quizzes and tests.
What’s Included:
- BJU DLO 1-Year Online Subscription
When you purchase the Grade 7 Distance Learning Online Kit, you receive:
- Online Teacher’s Materials, Teaching Videos with/ Mom’s Minutes, Answer Keys, and Printables.
- Comes with printed Student Worktext.
For Deped Accreditation comes with Local Books:
- Bible 7 The Story of the Old Testament Student Activities Manual (1st Ed.)
- BJU Earth Science Student Lab Manual (4th Edition)
- BJU English 7: Explorations in Literature Student Text (5th Edition)
- BJU English 7: Writing & Grammar 7 Student Worktext (4th Edition)
- BJU Pre-Algebra Student Text (2nd Edition)
- Global Times Living History Asian Identity in the Global World 3rd edition
- Kalinangan 7 Textbook
- Kalinangan 7 Teacher’s Manual