Distance Learning Online is homeschooling made easy. When you enroll your child in BJU Press online Distance Learning program, he/she can learn anytime, anywhere. All he needs is a computer and a high-speed internet connection, and he is ready to go. The student login allows access to engaging video lessons taught by expert teachers, online assessments (grades 512), progress-tracking features, and more. The best part is although you as a parent can log in and view your child progress and grades at any time, you are free to keep up with the rest of life.
About the courses:
Heritage Studies 6 – presents the lands, people, and cultures of ancient civilizations. Mrs. Bullock teaches this course.
English 6 -continues the grammatical study of sentences, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions as well as provides practice in reference skills. Mrs. Overly and Mr. Snow teach this course.
Spelling 6 – focuses on common Greek and Latin word beginnings and more pairs of related words. Mrs. Hall teaches this course.
Reading 6 – contains classic literature and character-building stories that illustrate biblical principles. Mrs. Walker teaches this course.
Math 6 – develops further understanding of multiplication and division of fractions, proportions, percents, and statistics. Mr. Matesevac teaches this course.
Science 6 – continues the spiral of science education by covering earth science, physical science, and biology. Mr. Harmon and Mrs. Ericson teach this course.
Bible 6 – teaches students about God and His plan to provide a Savior for fallen mankind. Students learn that God has always fulfilled His promises and will continue to do so in the future. The class emphasizes applying scriptural truth to everyday living. Throughout this course, students learn to use Bible-study tools such as cross-references, concordances, Bible dictionaries, and Bible commentaries.
What’s Included:
- BJU DLO 1-Year Online Subscription
When you purchase the Grade 6 Distance Learning Online Kit, you receive:
- Online Teachers Materials, Teaching Videos w/ Mom’s Minutes, Answer Keys and Printables
- Comes with printed Student Worktext.
Printed Materials:
- BJU Bible 6 Student Worktext (4th Edition)
- BJU English 6 Student Worktext (2nd Edition)
- BJU Math 6 Student Text (3rd Edition)
- BJU Reading 6 Student Worktext (2nd Edition)
- BJU Science 6 Student Activities Manual (4th Edition)
- BJU Spelling 6 Student Worktext (2nd Edition)
- BJU Heritage Studies 6 Activity Manual (3rd Edition)