Distance Learning Online is homeschooling made easy. When you enroll your child in BJU Press online Distance Learning program, he/she can learn anytime, anywhere. All he needs is a computer and a high-speed internet connection, and he is ready to go. The student login allows access to engaging video lessons taught by expert teachers, online assessments (grades 512), progress-tracking features, and more. The best part is although you as a parent can log in and view your child progress and grades at any time, you are free to keep up with the rest of life.
About the courses:
Writing & Grammar 10 – continues to develop the student’s grammar skills, emphasizing parts of speech, sentence patterns, phrases, clauses, and correct usage of verbs, pronouns, and modifiers.
Elements of Literature – teaches the elements of literature, imaginative comparisons, devices of sound, allusion, symbol, and irony by studying primarily American and British authors.
Geometry – begins with the foundational principles, introducing logic as a basis for proofs, and continues through standard topics such as polygons, circles, measurement, transformations and symmetry, and an introduction to trigonometry.
Biology – teaches cell biology, genetics, the history of life, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, ecology, and human anatomy and physiology in a God-honoring way.
World History – Survey world history through a biblical lens with the World History educational materials from BJU Press. World History recounts the story of mankind from creation to the present. As your child studies different historical ages, your child will be challenged to discover the forces, issues, people, and movements that have shaped our modern world. The text emphasizes how a Christian worldview affects the study of history, illustrating the crucial nature of viewing history through the lens of the Bible.
Bible 10
Personal Evangelism and Discipleship – gives a biblical foundation and practical methods for personal evangelism and discipleship.
Walking by the Spirit – surveys the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments, focusing on the Spirit’s role in salvation and sanctification.
Martyrdom: The Final Triumph of Faith – challenges teenagers to live God-centered lives and equips them to see the triumphal purpose of suffering.
What’s Included:
- BJU DLO 1-Year Online Subscription
When you purchase the Grade10 Distance Learning Online Kit, you receive:
- Online Teachers Materials, Teaching Videos w/ Mom’s Minutes, Answer Keys and Printables.
- Comes with printed Student Worktext.
Printed Materials:
- BJU Bible 10: Martyrdom – The Final Triumph of Faith
- BJU Bible 10: Personal Evangelism and Discipleship
- BJU Bible 10: Walking by the Spirit
- BJU English 10: Elements of Literature Student Text (2nd ed.)
- BJU Writing & Grammar 10 Student Worktext (4th ed.)
- BJU Biology Student Lab Manual (4th ed.)
- BJU Geometry Student Text (4th ed.)
- BJU World History Student Activities (5th ed.)